The Life Control Cohort

Take Control BACK And Live Life On Your Own Terms

Open to 20 13 participants

Let's not overcomplicate this...

Chances are, you've tried to make some changes in your life, but you're still stuck. When working with trying to make changes and work on stress, anxiety, and challenges, many people way over complicate the healing process. It doesn't have to be hard. It doesn't have to take years of therapy. It doesn't have to involve mind-altering medications... It can be a direct and simple process... when you know how to do the work the right way.

Put away your credit cards, I'm not collecting anything now. I'm just sharing the deets with you.

Make sure you read this entire page. After you review the page, apply by clicking the button below.

The Old You (Before The Life Control Cohort)

  • Stress and anxiety are crushing your confidence and ruining your happiness

  • You're stuck in your head questioning every decision you make

  • You feel like stress, emotions and anxiety are controlling your life, limiting your happiness, and making you feel stuck, wondering if things will ever get better

  • You feel like everything is a challenge, and you're exhausted and frustrated.

The New You (After The Life Control Cohort)

  • Feel able to go anywhere and do anything with confidence and clarity

  • Feel confidence and secure in your decisions

  • You're taking chances and embrace change instead of resisting against it

  • You are in control over your emotions instead of them controlling you so that you can work through any challenge

  • Finally get your "spark" back so that things don't feel like a constant struggle or challenge

The Old Way

  • Attending weekly therapy sessions for months to years

  • Taking mind-altering medications

  • Analyzing the past and working on the why instead of working on the solution.

  • Self-medicating

  • Suffering through it trying to just live with it

  • Using just conscious methods like "just breathe" or "meditate for two hours a day."

The Easy Way

  • Use an integrated approach that is actually fun and effective

  • Work with a solution based approach instead of a problem based approach

  • Work with the mind, the body, and the nervous system

  • Take a short-term direct and focused approach that works with the whole person instead of just one part.

What: This is a six-week INTENSIVE cohort designed to help you gain massive control over your anxiety, stress, fear, nervousness, and overwhelm. It's designed to help you MAKE SHIT HAPPEN. This will be an hybrid online group program. We meet once a week for six weeks, and you go through an intensive journey of self-discovery and finally break free from your limiting anxiety.

Results: If you're struggling with anxiety, riddled with self-doubt, or frustrated with yourself that your life keeps getting smaller and smaller, you know how debilitating it can be. The "anxious symptoms" can be different for everyone. Instead of getting caught up on "this is what anxiety does to me," let's focus on what can happen when anxiety isn't ruling your life...

Focus more, be more present, break out of your shell, make executive decisions that will turn heads, feel better about yourself and stop comparing yourself to everyone else (embrace self-acceptance), sleep better, worry less, stop feeling like you're stomach is in knots, stop dooms-day thinking. Go further out of your comfort zone, having more inner peace, having a better sense of who you are, and deal with challenges easier.

Who this is NOT for: If someone else is pushing you to do "something," this isn't for you. You have to do this for YOURSELF, and not pushed or forced by someone else.

This also isn't the right step (yet) if you have have had serious suicidal thoughts within the past six months, or if you have severe OCD, a clinical diagnosis of severe depression, borderline personality disorder, or dissociative disorder.

Who is the for: This is for YOU if you really WANT control over your own life and you want to stop letting anxiety dictate your decisions. You have to be at least 25 years old to attend. We cover some heavy topics, and my method requires a certain maturity level.

This is also for you if you are willing to follow my program and do the work. If you miss the live groups or can't attend live, you are committing to follow up with me and checkin once you go through the replay.

It doesn't matter what else you've tried. It doesn't matter the cause of your anxiety. It doesn't matter if you feel like you've tried everything.

How: I have a very unique integrated approach. This is a combination of many different healing modalities and philosophies. Most of my methods are backed by neuroscientific studies. I use a unique blend of modern hypnotic techniques (no swinging pocket watched), self-directed neuroplasticity, psycho-sensory therapies, and positive energy psychology.

When: Tuesday, March 5th - Tuesday, April 9th. The live groups are every Tuesday for 6 weeks starting at 4:00 pm EST. If you can't attend live, you will get replay access, and you will be expected to send a checkin after you watch each replay.

Bonuses: I believe in over-delivering. When you attend the cohort, you will get access to my online support program that will reinforce the strategies and approaches we do live. This will really ignite the spark in you. Get ready...


Will I get/need private sessions?

The idea is that you do not need individual sessions when you participate in the cohort... however, some people want continued support. If this is the case, you may signup for individual sessions after the cohort is complete for an additional investment.

Can I just signup for private sessions?

No. If you need or want individual sessions, you can signup for sessions (if I have openings) after you complete the cohort.

What is your refund policy?

There are absolutely NO refunds. However, I put a tremendous amount of commitment, effort and energy to make sure people get results from my program.

Investment: This is an all inclusive cohort and I make it easy to get started. There is no long-term commitment. Just six weeks.

Achieving life changing transformation requires an investment, and we do our best to make it easy for you to get started.

The total investment to join the program is $1497 USD, and we have payment options available so you can get started right away.

I will be leading the program, and I will be here with you every step of the way.

We are BIG fans of success stories!

Here's a recent email we received from a person who had crippling anxiety... AND THEN...